The 28th, the Thursday we headed for LA. We left early in the morning and arrived around 5 in the afternoon. After checking inn at the hotel which was right next to Hollywood Blv we went down there to look. We walked almost the whole Walk of Fame on both sides. It was looong! It was fun looking at all the different stars and see which one we could recognize, we found a few:) It was a lot of people out walking, and everything was still open. When we walked the strip we also got to see the Kodak Theater and Chinese theater, both of them 5 min from our hotel!
The next day we went to Disneyland. We got up early and drove down. We stayed there basicly all day. It was a lot of fun. We got our pictures taken with the different characters such as Mickey, Tigger and Winni the Pho. We also took different rides such as the Pirates of the Carabian, the haunted house and many others. In the evening they had a parade which we got to see where the different characters danced and sang with other employees of Disneyland.
On Saturday we had ordered tickets to get a tour of Hollywood, see the celebrities homes in Beverly Hills and Bel Air + going to Universal Studios. The operator picked us up early the next day for then to show us Hollywood Blv, where we could walk out by the Chinese theater. That day they were rigging for a pre premier of the new movie Land of Lost starring Will Ferrel, so a couple of celebrities would show up. Unfortunately we had to continue the tour instead of hanging out by the streets all day;) The guide took us up to Hollywood Bowl which is a big outdoor amphi where a lot of concerts is held. After that we drove down to the Sunset Blv to see a couple of the known buildings on the street. He told us places where movies/tv shows have been played, where the stars eat, we even got to see Rachel Hunter and Christian Slater!;) After the Strip we drove up to all the stars home and filming locations. The houses were big!! They had big gates and Jennifer Anistion had four dobbermans to guard her gate if somebody came to close. Hannah Montana had a house there which she recently built and across the street Simon Cowell was building his! Crazy people! After the tour, Karianne and me went to Universal Studios where we got our picture with Homer, Marge and Bart:) They had a really cool Simpson simulator that we took. It was just like sitting in a coaster! We took the Studio Tour which was awesome! They showed us Wisteria Lane, Little Europe, old Western culisses, the set of Jaws and many others. During the tour we got to see a couple of the special effects they are using in the movies which also were tested on us;) There was a show where we could see how they were using special effects in the movies. It was really cool! They showed us how Eddie Murphey played all the roles in the Nutty Professor. How they are having a different setting than what really appears on the screen and such, it was really interesting! We were suppose to do the Mummy ride, but when I discovered it was a rollarcoaster I would not do it. It was gonna go in all different directions maybe if it was a regular coaster with straight forward and just up and down:) After the Studios we got back to our hotel but we went down to the Blv instead. The stars for the movie was already inside since they starting to arrive around 4pm and we did not get back until 6. But we saw a lot of limos and security which was cool enough;)
We did not go out any of the days in LA though, I have an ear infection and was exhausted the nights when we got back. But still I think we managed to see a lot in 2 days!! Both of us could agree that we liked San Francisco better than LA. It was more charming and nicer, while LA was not as great as SF;)
Today, Sunday we left for Las Vegas which was a really short trip from LA. When we arrived we checked inn and start looking around. We are living at the Stratosphere. We explored the hotel some and then I went to the emergency room because of my ear and Karianne was left to win some money to cover the trip:p
søndag 31. mai 2009
lørdag 30. mai 2009
L.A., Hollywood og Disneyland
Onsdag morgen kjørte vi nedover til L.A. etter å ha vært i San Francisco i 3 netter. Vi måtte jo da selvfølglig bytte bil pga at bilen trengte oljeskift, så nå har vi fått en Toyota Highliner eller noe =p
Hadde det veldig fin i S.F. hvor vi fikk sett Golden Gate og kjørte trikken oppover bakkene.
Da vi kjørte ned mot L.A. fulgte vi Interstate 5 hele veien siden det var den korteste veien. Tok ca. 6 timer fra S.F. Det gikk nokså fort, men det var UTROLIG varmt på stoppene vi hadde fra S.F. til L.A. Var jo midt ute i øde ørkenlandskap. Men varme er da alltid digg ;)
Vi kom ned til L.A. i går ettermiddag rundt halv 6, og slappet av litt på hotellet før vi bestemte oss for å gå ut å kikke hva som lå rundt oss. Bare 2 min nede i gata ligger Hollywood Bvl., og vi tok Starwalk da og så på alle stjernenavnene som var gravert i på stjernene på gata. mange kjente og ukjente navn.
I dag har vi vært i Disneyland, og hilst på blandt annet, Minnie, Mikke, Langbein, Ole Brumm og Tigergutt. Også kjørt noen attraksjoner, men var noen utrolige lange køer. Noen tok 15 min, mens andre tok en time, så vi kjørte ikke alt. Brukte hele dagen der. Men koste oss masse.
I morgen bli vi hentet utenfor hotellet av en sightseeing buss som skal ta oss med på en City Tour i Hollywood, se hvor mange av kjendisene bor, og til slutt Universial Studios. Det blir artig!
Søndag går turen videre til Las Vegas hvor vi også bli i 3 netter. Det blir en fin tur gjennom ørkenen tenker jeg =p
onsdag 27. mai 2009
San Francisco
We made it down to San Francisco after a looooong car trip from Tacoma, at least we got to see the scenery! We drove first on hw 101, for then to switch over to I-5 after we figured out it was going to take forever before we reached SF. We got to SF around 9 in the morning yesterday. It was pretty long lines to get into the city, and confusing driving around. Guess it is a good thing I have been driving a little bit around in Seattle;)
The hotel is really nice, nice rooms and good service so far. Really good location, right next to Union Square, which is the best place for shopping, clubbing, art and theater as well!
Yesterday, we basically just walked around getting to know the area, found a lot of shops where I would like to buy everything, but I don't think that is the best idea, since we still have some days left on the trip :p
Today was the day when we did some sightseeing. We took a tour bus early in the day that took us around so we could see the places that people are talking about. We drove through China Town, Business District, came down to the waterfront where we could see Alcatraz, which was a prison before but now is a tour on the island instead. We also spent a great time by the Fisherman Wharf, where we also could see the island, but also it was a lot of shops-souvenir mostly and restaurants. We saw some seals laying on fleets where they were bathing in the sun while we were freezing because the wind was very strong so the sun did not help a lot. We even got to see the rest of the CL game where Barcelona won!! on the Buba Gump restaurant;) After that we got on the tour bus to see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was really windy driving over the bridge, and we could not see the top of it because it was foggy. It was still cool though;) After that we continued to the Golden Gate Park for then to continue through the Victorian Homes. Some of the houses we could see is the ones that is displayed in TV shows and movies with the SF skyline in the back.
Tomorrow we are heading for LA. Leaving early and then we will see what happens!
I´ll post pictures and videos later, when it works;)
The hotel is really nice, nice rooms and good service so far. Really good location, right next to Union Square, which is the best place for shopping, clubbing, art and theater as well!
Yesterday, we basically just walked around getting to know the area, found a lot of shops where I would like to buy everything, but I don't think that is the best idea, since we still have some days left on the trip :p
Today was the day when we did some sightseeing. We took a tour bus early in the day that took us around so we could see the places that people are talking about. We drove through China Town, Business District, came down to the waterfront where we could see Alcatraz, which was a prison before but now is a tour on the island instead. We also spent a great time by the Fisherman Wharf, where we also could see the island, but also it was a lot of shops-souvenir mostly and restaurants. We saw some seals laying on fleets where they were bathing in the sun while we were freezing because the wind was very strong so the sun did not help a lot. We even got to see the rest of the CL game where Barcelona won!! on the Buba Gump restaurant;) After that we got on the tour bus to see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was really windy driving over the bridge, and we could not see the top of it because it was foggy. It was still cool though;) After that we continued to the Golden Gate Park for then to continue through the Victorian Homes. Some of the houses we could see is the ones that is displayed in TV shows and movies with the SF skyline in the back.
After we got back from the sightseeing we took the cable cars which is another trademark of SF. It was really cool, up and down all the step hills. It took us from Union Square and down to the waterfront near by Fisherman Wharf, so we got a nice view of Alcatraz again and the ocean. To bad it was still foggy, it was still hard to see the bridge. Tonight we are going to one of the clubs called Ruby Sky. Apparently it is one of the best ones, and we happen to live 1 block away from it;)
Tomorrow we are heading for LA. Leaving early and then we will see what happens!
I´ll post pictures and videos later, when it works;)
tirsdag 26. mai 2009
Jeepen er hentet og vi har endelig ankommet San Francisco. Sitter nå på hotellet og etter å ha kjørt bil siden 12:00 i går, og ankom SF i dag 09:00!! Så dette har vært en LANG biltur!!
Men vi har kjørt og sovet på skift, så nå skal vi bare ta en dusj før vi går ut og kikker litt. Hotellet ligger utrolig sentralt, vi bor i 11. etasje, og trikken går rett utenfor vinduet. Vi er kjempefornøyde med rommet.
Det er ikke lys på hovedveiene her, så det var litt ekkelt. Men det endte jo godt og vi kom helskinnet frem. Har aldri sett så mange biler på veien før. Tok jo en evighet å komme gjennom bommen og brua osv. Men nå er vi her, og det er bakker overalt. Utrolig fin by så langt, men igjen, ingen lett by å kjøre bil i. Skal bli godt å endelig bruke bena.
Hatt også kjempe fint vær siden jeg kom hit. Bare sol og varmegrader så langt.
Først kjørte vi ned langs kystveien nedover, men da det begynte å bli mørkt, og vi fant ut at på denne veien ville vi ikke være fremme før 12:00 i dag, så kjøre vi tilbake på 4-felts-motorveien. Men da gikk det fort nedover. Det var alikevel mørkt, så hadde ikke sett så mye langt kysten uansett. Det kommer flere bildet etterhvert. (Så snart jeg skjønner litt med av denne bloggsiden;)
torsdag 21. mai 2009
Nå nærmer det seg!!
Da begynner turen å nærme seg. Karianne og Christina skal ut på tur!!
Selve bilturen starter 25. mai klokken 10:00 AM i Seattle. Vi kjører da direkte ned til San Francisco og blir der noen dager. Videre til Los Angeles, Las vegas. Derifra kjører vi ned på Route 66 og følger den opp til Chicago, hvor vi også blir noen dager. Skal også innom Niagara Falls før turen ender i New York den 19. juni. Det blir også masse stopp på veien. Men dette er våre hovedstoppsteder. Dette blir en kjempetur, og vi gleder oss masse!!
Da begynner turen å nærme seg. Karianne og Christina skal ut på tur!!
Selve bilturen starter 25. mai klokken 10:00 AM i Seattle. Vi kjører da direkte ned til San Francisco og blir der noen dager. Videre til Los Angeles, Las vegas. Derifra kjører vi ned på Route 66 og følger den opp til Chicago, hvor vi også blir noen dager. Skal også innom Niagara Falls før turen ender i New York den 19. juni. Det blir også masse stopp på veien. Men dette er våre hovedstoppsteder. Dette blir en kjempetur, og vi gleder oss masse!!
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