fredag 5. juni 2009

Kingman, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon and Albuquerque

Hello again! Yesterday, Wednesday we drove from Las Vegas. We drove over Hoover Dam on the way, which was a huge dam where they had a lot of road work going on as well so it took forever to get to Kingman where we had to fill gas. At the gas station a tire-man saw our tires and said they were living their last days. It was a tire workshop right next to the gas station and I don't really know how he saw our tires but it was a good thing. The fabric was soon showing and apparently that is not a good thing :S We called Alamo to see if we could change the tires or what other options we had. It was a loooooooooooooooooooooong process. We got to Kingman around 1pm yesterday, but did not get on the road until around 7pm so we lost a great deal of time on that. Alamo figured out that it was easier and apparently cheaper to get a tow truck to bring a car from Las Vegas down to Kingman and then bring the Toyota back to Vegas, so me and Karianne had to figure out something to do mean while. So we bought a DVD, (Road Trip, very convenient right? ;)) to watch on my computer. It was a very good idea, at least we the time went by and we got to watch a inspiring movie :p
After we got on the road we drove to Flagstaff to stay for the night, so we could be ready for Grand Canyon the next day and the road through Arizona to New Mexico.

Today we drove up to Grand Canyon. It was amazing when we got into the park, when we got to the first point of view we bought thought they had just put a poster in the back. It looked very unreal but it was so beautiful!! We stopped at all the different point of views and the last point of view was even more amazing than the other ones, it was called Desert View. It showed a great view of the Canyon and we got to see the Colorado River as well. After having visited the Grand Canyon we drove down to Flagstaff again to get onto HW40 and Route 66, it was a very boring road down to Flagstaff, nothing to look at besides nothing=) After getting to Flagstaff we figured we were gonna drive until we got to Albuquerque so we drove basically on HW40 all the time since we are a little behind the schedule because of the whole car switch thing again. But tomorrow we will drive on route 66 instead, it is right next to Motel6 which we are staying at for the night.

So far we are enjoying the trip, it has been a "little" inconvenient with the whole car thing but that is part of the road trip right? Hopefully we will be able to keep this car until New York City! It is also a lot of fun not knowing quite which city we will reach the next day. If we will be able to get to the city set as a goal first, or where we will end up. I'm feeling very spontaneous ;)
Tomorrow we are hitting the road, and we will see if we get up to Oklahoma City!

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